Senin, 24 November 2008


climate change campaign Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
I was wondering to share this information regarding climate change. Our environment will dramatically change; this is because of us who's lived in this world. I love to say we need concern and focus on health environment. We have a long to go but we can aim to do necessary things:
1. Use local food suppliers
2. Use seasonal products
3. Recycle all the bottles and rubbish
4. Don't throw away your rubbish on and keep tidy your nearest environment
5. Try to be hygiene person

Please read this tips carefully:
Top ten tips to help combat climate chaos

Although the power sector is the biggest single polluter of greenhouse gases, we are each guilty of contributing to climate change. Follow our simple tips to reduce the impact your life has on our climate.
Many of these tips will save you money as well as the planet
Buy your electricity from a credible green energy supplier. WWF's supplier is Ecotricity.
Replace the light bulbs you use most with low-energy bulbs.
Insulate your hot water tank, walls, loft and floors.
Use the washing machine only when you have a full load, and use eco-friendly washing powder that's suitable for low temperature washes. WWF Shop
Turn down the heating thermostat by 1°C. If you're cold put on another sweater!
Get on your bike, walk or use public transport instead of travelling by car.
If you are buying a new washing machine, refrigerator, dishwasher or oven, buy the most energy-efficient model. They will pay for themselves through lower energy bills.
Switch off lights when you don't need them; and don't leave the TV, computer or stereo on standby - switch them off!
Recycle and re-use paper, glass, aluminium, tin, plastic, clothing and plastic bags
Help to increase the amount of tree cover in the UK by planting a tree - in your garden or elsewhere.

And this campaign needs your support too.
Please send to your friends and do it where is possible and you can see the result what you did for the world. This is what we can do for help our world. I hope we will do better tommorow. Thank You

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